CHat JOm..!!

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18 Mei 2010

Hackster da koje

Hmmmm...hi all...lama xmenulis...but today...i have to write something 4 you guys... arini da hmpir seminggu aku keje...last week aku dpt kol..yes..dier ckp aku dpt keje...they send me an offer, aku baca carefully, ntah cmne aku berminat...itu la kisah yg menyebabkan aku terjoin Accenture technolgy Solution Sdn.Bhd... then aku pegi report duty...aku diletakkan kt tingkat 66 KLCC..hmm..quite higher than i thought...semua bangunan nmpak tinggi je dari atas tu..syiok keje kt situ, tp xlarat mengejar tren, bgon awal sgt, balik lmbt...hmm...luckily, i've been transferred to cyberjaya starting for yesterday for system integration project.. FYI, here i've been assigned as system testing Engineer.. gaji byk, tp balik agak lewat dr oang len..hmm...lama xmenulis blog..hehee..nnti ade msa aku update la letak gmba ape sume..hehee...kt cyberjaya ni project based at SHELL IT...hmmm...alaaa...tmpt korang tuang minyak kete sini wisma doang utk IT, SYSTEM developer, more on system and overall management. cmtu la...hehee...hmm..oke la keje kt agak tension sebab here, maybe i can be one of outstanding guy with 'malay' identity coz mostly they are all chinese, indian and mat salleh guy, tp tu la, akan ade communication aku sabar je la...hmm...nk cari keje len gak ar kalau xde kawan2 yg join..hmmm...actually, aku dpt keje ni 100% interview on phone..da la speaking english..nasib baik la english aku boleh tahan lagi ar...4 kali interview....first, HR call, tnya tu tnya ni, stgh jam...second, HR sambung call aku kt manager HR in charge utk solution department, 40 minit.. pastu da dpt, dier kol lagi, kali sambung kt HR Shell, stgh jam...then, Project manager shell plak kol, 1 jam 20 minit interview....hmmm...everything in English...ntah ape aku bedal..tetibe kol2 suh dtg keje...ahaha..after all, my luck maybe.. actually, we need another 40 peoples for testing team..kalau sape2 yg ade bachelor, degree in IT field, programming ke, networking ke, system ke, leyh contact aku..then, pass your CV....try your best...this is one of the top ten biggest multinational company... :D
interesting isn't it? huhuu...oke la...ngah keje posth oke....see ya...




Nazz@Purple berkata...

Keje baik2 eh En Nami.

naMie berkata...

thanks naz... :D
naz pon keje baik2 kt TM tu...hahaha...

Ieqa Swetluv berkata...

entah nami ingat ika lagi ke tidak ye hurmm~

